Latest News

239 Wasted appointments in June

In June 2024, there were 239 wasted appointments out of 7678 booked appointments (3.1%). These appointments were all booked by patients who did not turn up and did not cancel their appointments which could have been used for other patients. Please remember to cancel your appointments if you no longer require them.

PPG Meeting Tuesday 23rd July 6.30pm

The next Patient Participation Group meeting will take place at 6.30pm on Tuesday 23rd July at the surgery.

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PPG Survey

Our Patient Participation Group have developed two surveys (Phone and Anima) to monitor how Primary Care services at Northdown are delivered and how patients experience them. It is also to evaluate various aspects of patient experience including access to care, appointment scheduling and general quality of care received from healthcare professionals and whether they are 'fit for purpose'.

Survey one is with regard to Phones and survey two is concerning Anima, our digital total triage request system.

Phone               Anima Online Request Form

Physical copies of the survey are available from reception.

New Secretary Appointed For PPG

We're pleased to announce that a new secretary has been appointed for our Patient Participation Group.

Create an Anima Account

Over 2000 patient requests already successfully resolved through Anima, our online triage system.

If you haven't yet made an account, register today.

Anima Submit Request Banner

We are an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP practice

We are an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP practice

Northdown Practice partners now managing Dashwood Medical Centre

From Tuesday 29th August 2023, Northdown Practice partners will also be managing Dashwood Medical Centre in Ramsgate.

The existing staff will stay at Dashwood Medical Centre (with additional staff recruited as necessary) so the impact of Northdown's patients will be minimal.

If you are a patient currently registered at Dashwood Medical Centre, we would like to welcome you but there are no changes to how you access your services. The Northdown practice staff will not be able to help you with enquiries about your care. All of your GP services will continue to be provided at the Dashwood Medical Centre: Please read this information on their website.

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